Henry Ohlsson
List of publications

Articles in international scientific journals

  1. Giving to the children or the taxman?: Lessons from a Swedish inheritance tax loophole
    European Economic Review, 104382. 2023.
    (With S Escobar and H Selin.)

  2. Avoiding taxes by transfers within the family
    International Tax and Public Finance, Vol 28, pp 1-23. 2021.
    (With E di Porto and E M Martino.)

  3. Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810–2016
    Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 18, pp 1123-1157. 2020.
    (With J Roine and D Waldenström .)

  4. Estate division: Equal sharing, exchange motives, and Cinderella effects
    Journal of Population Economics, Vol 32, pp 1437-1480. 2019.
    (With O Erixson .)

  5. Tax compliance and loss aversion
    American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 7, pp 132-164. 2015.
    (With P Engström, K Nordblom, and A Persson.)

  6. Timing of death and the repeal of the Swedish inheritance tax
    Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol 45, pp 113-123. 2013.
    (With M Eliason .)

  7. Economic incentives and the timing of births: Evidence from the German parental benefit reform of 2007
    Journal of Population Economics, Vol 26, pp 87-108. 2013.
    (With M Neugart.)

  8. The impact of inheritances on heirs’ labor and capital income
    B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 12(1), article 61. 2012.
    (With M Elinder and O Erixson.)

  9. Long term effects of public policy for displaced workers in Sweden – shipyard workers in the West and miners in the North
    International Journal of Manpower, Vol 33, pp 514-538. 2012.
    (With D Storrie.)

  10. The legacy of the Swedish gift and inheritance tax, 1884–2004
    European Review of Economic History, Vol 15, pp 539-569. 2011.
    Download tax revenue data here.

  11. Bequests, gifts, and education: Links between intergenerational transfers
    Empirical Economics, Vol 40, pp 343-358. 2011.
    (With K Nordblom.)

  12. Compensatory inter vivos gifts
    Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol 24, pp 993-1023. 2009.
    (With S Hochguertel.)

  13. Living to save taxes
    Economics Letters, Vol 100, pp 340-343. 2008.
    (With M Eliason.)

  14. Tax avoidance and intra-family transfers
    Journal of Public Economics, Vol 90, pp 1669-1680. 2006.
    (With K Nordblom.)

  15. Growth effects of government expenditure and taxation in rich countries: A comment
    European Economic Review, Vol 50, pp 211-218. 2006.
    (With J Agell and P Skogman Thoursie.)

  16. Action collective et différences compensatrices : le cas des travailleurs masculins à horaires atypiques
    Economie et Prévision, No 164-165, pp 57-79. 2004.
    (With J Lanfranchi and A Skalli.)

  17. Ownership and production costs. Choosing between public production and contracting-out in the case of Swedish refuse collection
    Fiscal Studies, Vol 24, pp 451-476. 2003.
    reprinted as Contracting out in Sweden: Ownership and production costs
    in E Dijkgraaf and RHJM Gradus, eds, The Waste Market: Institutional Developments in Europe, Springer. 2008.

  18. Who takes care of the children? The quantity-quality model revisited
    Journal of Population Economics
    , Vol 15, pp 455-461. 2002.
    (With M Lundholm.)
    reprinted in KF Zimmerman and M Vogler, eds, Family, Household and Work, Springer-Verlag,
    Heidelberg. 2003.

  19. Compensating wage differentials and shift work preferences - Evidence from France
    Economics Letters, Vol 74, pp 393-398. 2002.
    Current long version: July 2001
    (With J Lanfranchi and A Skalli.)

  20. Bequest motives: A comparison of Sweden and the United States
    Journal of Public Economics
    , Vol 79, pp 205-236. 2001.
    (With J Laitner.)

  21. Post mortem reputation, compensatory gifts and equal bequests
    Economics Letters
    , Vol 68, pp 165-171. 2000.
    (With M Lundholm.)

  22. Working time, employment, and work sharing: Evidence from Sweden
    Empirical Economics
    , Vol 25, pp 169-187. 2000.
    (With T Jacobson.)

  23. Growth and the public sector: A reply
    European Journal of Political Economy
    , Vol 15, pp 359-366. 1999.
    (With J Agell and T Lindh.)

  24. Asymmetric time series and temporal aggregation
    Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol 81, pp 341-344. 1999.
    (With K Brännäs.)

  25. What determines when undergraduates complete their theses? Evidence from two economics departments
    Economics of Education Review
    , Vol 18, pp 79-88. 1999.
    (With C Löfgren.)

  26. Wages, taxes and publicly provided day care
    Journal of Population Economics, Vol 11, pp 185-204.
    (With M Lundholm.)

  27. Self-employment and wealth inequality
    Review of Income and Wealth, Series 44, pp 25-42. 1998.
    T Lindh.)

  28. Growth and the public sector: A critical review essay
    European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 13, pp 33-52.
    (With J Agell and T Lindh.)

  29. Ownership and input prices. A comparison of public and private enterprises
    Economics Letters, Vol 53, pp 33-38. 1996.

  30. Self-employment and windfall gains: Evidence from the Swedish Lottery
    Economic Journal, Vol 106, pp 1515-1526. 1996.
    (With T Lindh.)
    reprinted in S Parker, ed, The Economics of Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. 200

  31. Political cycles and cyclical policies
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 98, pp 203-218. 1996.
    A Vredin.)

  32. Long-run relations between private and public sector wages in Sweden
    Empirical Economics, Vol 19, pp 343-360. 1994.
    T Jacobson.)

  33. Inventory investment in Swedish manufacturing firms
    Finnish Economic Papers, Vol 6, pp 96-107.
    (With C-H Gustafson.)

  34. Lags in the effects of labour market policy - an empirical analysis of job creation measures
    Applied Economics, Vol 25, pp 343-348. 1993.

  35. Wage linkages between private and public sectors in Sweden
    Labour, Vol 6, Nr 2, pp 3-17. 1992.
    B Holmlund.)

  36. Job creation measures as activist fiscal policy - an empirical analysis of policy reaction behavior
    European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 8, pp 269-280. 1992.

  37. Political determinants of budget deficits: Coalition effects versus minority effects
    European Economic Review
    , Vol 35, pp 1597-1603. 1991.
    (With P-A Edin.)

  38. Cost-benefit rules in a regionalized disequilibrium model
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 89, pp 165-182. 1987.

  39. Optimal policy rules and regime switching in disequilibrium models
    Journal of Public Economics, Vol 27, pp 247-254. 1985.
    (With J T Cuddington and P-O Johansson.)

Monetary policy speaches

  1. Monetary policy and inflation in times of war. 2022.

  2. Hidden wealth. 2021.

  3. Monetary policy during the economic crisis. 2020.

  4. Underlying inflation -- for better or for worse. 2019.

  5. Data, correlations and economic policy challenges. 2018.

  6. The distributional effects of monetary policy. 2017.

  7. Decisions today, consequences far into the future. 2016.

  8. The inflation target -- a benchmark for price-setting and wage formation. 2015.

Other papers in journals and books

  1. Monetary policy and inflation in times of war
    Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, (2), pp 65-79. 2022.
    (With M Apel)

  2. Collective wealth formation: Conflict and compromise in Sweden, 1950-2000
    in P Hudson and K Tribe, eds, The contradictions of capital in the twenty-first century. The Piketty opportunity, Agenda Publishing, Newcastle. 2016.
    (With Y Hasselberg.)

  3. Förmögenhet - mina pengar eller släktens?
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 43(2), pp 17-27. 2015.
    (With O Erixson.)

  4. Rör det sig i toppen? Platsbyten i förmögenhetsrangordningen
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 41(1), pp 16-21. 2013.
    (With S Hochguertel.)

  5. Mindre arbete, högre inkomster – arvingens lott
    (Less work, higher income – the heir’s lot)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 39(4), pp 70-78. 2011.
    (With M Elinder and O Erixson.)

  6. Den första nationella konferensen i nationalekonomi i Sverige
    (The first national Swedish economics conference)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 39(2), pp 67-73. 2011.
    (With F Andersson, T Aronsson, R Friberg, O Johansson-Stenman, A-S Kolm, and D Waldenström.)

  7. Tax avoidance
    in Cours et travaux du Collège de France. Annuaire 109e année, Collège de France, Paris. 2010.

  8. Long-run changes in the concentration of wealth: An overview of recent findings
    in J B Davies, ed, Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective, Oxford University Press. 2008.
    (With J Roine and D Waldenström.)
    in Chinese in Comparative Studies, Vol 33, pp 117-138. 2007.

  9. Krisstämpeln på det svenska avtalssystemet – en överdrift
    (The crisis mark on the Swedish bargaining system – an exaggeration)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 36(5), pp 15-30. 2008.
    (With P Braunerhjelm, O Djerf, and H Frisén.)

  10. Friställd eller anställd? Strukturomvandling från individens perspektiv
    (Displaced or employed? Structural change from the individual's perspective)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 34(7), pp 5-19. 2006.
    (With D Storrie.)

  11. Introduction: Self-employment and entrepreneurship
    Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol 11(2), pp 3-13. 2004.

  12. Empirical tax policy analysis and evaluation
    in Banca d'Italia, Tax policy. Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2004.
    (With K Hort.)

  13. Köpkraft och konkurrenskraft – tredje avtalsrörelsen med Industriavtalet
    Purchasing power and competitiveness – the third bargaining round with the Industrial Agreement)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 31(8), pp 16-26. 2003.
    (With O Djerf, H Frisén, and L Hagman.)

  14. Fiscal policy in a currency union
    in Banca d'Italia, The impact of fiscal policy. Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2003.
    (With Y Lindh.)

  15. The Swedish Industrial Agreement
    in J E Dølvik and F Engelstad, eds, National regimes of collective bargaining in transformation: Nordic trends in a comparative perspective, Rapport 54, Makt- og demokratiutredningen. Unipub, Oslo, 2003.
    (Report 54, The Norwegian Power and Democracy Research Project.)

  16. Finanspolitik i en valutaunion
    (Fiscal policy in a currency union)
    in Stabiliseringspolitik i valutaunionen, Underlagsrapporter till Kommittén för stabiliseringspolitik för full sysselsättning vid ett svenskt medlemskap i valutaunionen. SOU 2002:16. 2002.
    (Stabilization policy in the currency union, reports to the official government committee on stabilization policy if Sweden becomes a member of the currency union.)

  17. Intergenerational transfers, taxes and the distribution of wealth. Editors' preface
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 103, p 367. 2001.
    (With B Holmlund and E Steigum.)

  18. Long term developments of Swedish public finances - Can "straight jackets" reverse the trends?
    in Banca d'Italia, Fiscal sustainability.
    Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2000.
    (With Y Lindh.)

  19. Trends in Swedish public finances - Past and future
    Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, No 4, 2000, pp 81-100. 2000.
    (With Y Lindh.)

  20. Industriavtalet - utfall och framtidsutsikter
    (The Industrial Agreement - outcome and future prospects)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 28, pp 417-430. 2000.
    (With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)

  21. EMU-medlemskapets betydelse för svensk lönebildning
    (The consequences of the EMU membership for Swedish wage formation)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 28, pp 133-142. 2000.
    (With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)

  22. Lönekostnadsutvecklingens effekter på sysselsättningen
    (The employment effects of wage cost changes)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 26, pp 505-513. 1998.
    (With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)

  23. Comment on Hans-Werner Sinn: European integration and the future of the welfare state
    Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol 5, pp 133-136. 1998.

  24. Nya förutsättningar för lönebildningen
    (New conditions for the wage formation)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 26, pp 107-115. 1998.
    (With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)

  25. Egenföretagande och manna från himlen
    (Self-employment and manna from heaven)
    Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi, Finansdepartementet. Ds 1997:71.
    (Report to the expert group for studies in public economics, The Swedish Ministry of Finance.)
    (With T Lindh.)

  26. Reformerad beskattning av hushållstjänster
    (Reformed taxation of household services.)
    in Skatter, tjänster och sysselsättning, bilagor tillbetänkande av Tjänstebeskattningsutredningen. SOU 1997:17. 1997.
    (Taxes, services, and employment, enclosures to the report of the official government committee on taxation of household services)

  27. Job creation programmes as stabilization policy measures
    in J Johannesson and E Wadensjö, eds, Labour market policy at the crossroads. EFA, Stockholm. 1995.

  28. Finanspolitik, konjunkturer och ekonomisk integration
    (Fiscal policy, business cycles, and economic integration)
    Bilaga 9 till Långtidsutredningen 1995. Fritzes, Stockholm. 1994.
    (Enclosure 9 to the Long term report of the Swedish Ministry of Finance.)
    (With A Vredin.)

  29. Tillväxt och offentlig sektor
    (Growth and the public sector)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 22, pp 373-385. 1994.
    (With J Agell and T Lindh.)

  30. Sysselsättningsskapande åtgärder som stabiliseringspolitiskt medel
    (Job creation programs as stabilization policy measure)
    in Politik mot arbetslöshet, betänkande av expertgruppen för arbetsmarknadspolitiska utvärderingsstudier. SOU 1993:43. 1993.
    (Policy against unemployment, official government report.)

  31. Systematik och autonomi i finanspolitiken
    (Systematics and autonomy in the fiscal policy)
    in K-G Löfgren and L-E Öller, eds, Konjunkturprognoser & konjunkturpolitik - Ekonomiska Rådets Årsbok 1992. 1993.
    (Business cycle forecasts & business cycle policy.)
    (With N Frank and A Vredin.)

  32. Svensk finanspolitik 1970-1990: Instrument, institutioner och indikatorer
    (Swedish fiscal policy 1970-1990: Instruments, institutions, and indicators)
    in Konjunkturläget, Maj 1992. Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm. 1992.
    (The economic activity level May 1992.)
    (With A Vredin.)

  33. Book review. Heinz König, ed, 1990, Economics of wage determination, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
    European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 7, pp 423-424.

  34. Varför har vi inga miljöavgifter?
    (Why don't we have environmental charges?)
    in B Gustafsson, ed, Människa, miljö och samhälle. Uppsala. 1991.
    (Man, environment, and society.)

  35. Har den svenska budgetpolitiken varit kontracyklisk?
    Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, Vol 44, pp 165-176. 1991.

  36. Malmfälten i brytningstid
    (The mining district in transition)
    Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 14, pp 472-480. 1986.
    (With L Engström.)

Old working papers

  1. Estates, bequests, and inheritances in Sweden - A look into the Belinda databases
    Working Paper No 2014:14, Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, 2014.
    (With M Elinder, O Erixson, and S Escobar.)

  2. Who is at the top? Wealth mobility over the life cycle
    Working Paper No 2012:1, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, 2012.
    Working Paper No 2012:1, Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, 2012.
    Working Paper No 1301, European Central Bank, 2011.
    (With S Hochguertel.)

  3. Negative externalities in day care: Optimal tax policy response
    Current version: August 2007.
    (With M Lundholm.)

  4. Sweden in the LWS
    Current version: January 2007.
    (With L Berg.)

  5. Intergenerational transfers – accounting, prediction, and motives
    Current version: May 2005.

  6. Equality of opportunity and inheritance: A comparison of Sweden and the U.S.
    Current version: June 1997.
    (With J Laitner.)

  7. Labor market policy, unemployment, and wages: A VAR-model for Sweden 1969-1990
    Current version: May 1995.

PhD thesis

  1. Cost-benefit analysis of labor market programs, second edition
    Umeå Economic Studies No 182. 1988.

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Last modified: 18 June 2023