Giving to the children or the taxman?: Lessons from a Swedish inheritance tax loophole
European Economic Review, 104382. 2023.
(With S Escobar and
H Selin.)
Avoiding taxes by transfers within the family
International Tax and Public Finance, Vol 28, pp 1-23. 2021.
(With E di Porto and
E M Martino.)
Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810–2016
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 18, pp 1123-1157. 2020.
(With J Roine and
D Waldenström .)
Estate division: Equal sharing, exchange motives, and Cinderella effects
Journal of Population Economics, Vol 32, pp 1437-1480. 2019.
(With O Erixson .)
Tax compliance and loss aversion
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 7, pp 132-164. 2015.
(With P Engström,
K Nordblom, and A Persson.)
Timing of death and the repeal of the Swedish inheritance tax
Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol 45, pp 113-123. 2013.
(With M Eliason .)
Economic incentives and the timing of births: Evidence from the German parental benefit reform of 2007
Journal of Population Economics, Vol 26, pp 87-108. 2013.
(With M Neugart.)
The impact of inheritances on heirs’ labor and capital income
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 12(1), article 61. 2012.
(With M Elinder and
O Erixson.)
Long term effects of public policy for displaced workers in Sweden – shipyard workers in the West and miners in the North
International Journal of Manpower, Vol 33, pp 514-538. 2012.
(With D Storrie.)
The legacy of the Swedish gift and inheritance tax, 1884–2004
European Review of Economic History, Vol 15, pp 539-569. 2011.
Download tax revenue data here.
Bequests, gifts, and education: Links between intergenerational transfers
Empirical Economics, Vol 40, pp 343-358. 2011.
(With K Nordblom.)
Compensatory inter vivos gifts
Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol 24, pp 993-1023. 2009.
(With S Hochguertel.)
Living to save taxes
Economics Letters, Vol 100, pp 340-343. 2008.
(With M Eliason.)
Tax avoidance and intra-family transfers
Journal of Public Economics, Vol 90, pp 1669-1680. 2006.
(With K Nordblom.)
Growth effects of government expenditure and taxation in rich countries: A comment
European Economic Review, Vol 50, pp 211-218. 2006.
(With J Agell and P Skogman Thoursie.)
Action collective et différences compensatrices : le cas des travailleurs
masculins à horaires atypiques
Economie et Prévision, No 164-165, pp 57-79. 2004.
(With J Lanfranchi and A Skalli.)
Ownership and production costs. Choosing between public production and contracting-out in the case of Swedish refuse collection
Fiscal Studies, Vol 24, pp 451-476. 2003.
reprinted as Contracting out in Sweden: Ownership and production costs
in E Dijkgraaf and RHJM Gradus, eds, The Waste Market: Institutional Developments in Europe, Springer. 2008.
Who takes care of the children? The quantity-quality model revisited
Journal of Population Economics, Vol 15, pp 455-461. 2002.
(With M Lundholm.)
reprinted in KF Zimmerman and M Vogler, eds, Family, Household and Work, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 2003.
Compensating wage differentials and shift work preferences - Evidence from France
Economics Letters, Vol 74, pp 393-398. 2002.
Current long version: July 2001
(With J Lanfranchi and A Skalli.)
Bequest motives: A comparison of Sweden and the United States
Journal of Public Economics, Vol 79, pp 205-236. 2001.
(With J Laitner.)
Post mortem reputation, compensatory gifts and equal bequests
Economics Letters, Vol 68, pp 165-171. 2000.
(With M Lundholm.)
Working time, employment, and work sharing: Evidence from Sweden
Empirical Economics, Vol 25, pp 169-187. 2000.
(With T Jacobson.)
Growth and the public sector: A reply
European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 15, pp 359-366. 1999.
(With J Agell and T Lindh.)
Asymmetric time series and temporal aggregation
Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol 81, pp 341-344. 1999.
(With K Brännäs.)
What determines when undergraduates complete their theses? Evidence from two economics departments
Economics of Education Review, Vol 18, pp 79-88. 1999.
(With C Löfgren.)
Wages, taxes and publicly provided day care
Journal of Population Economics, Vol 11, pp 185-204. 1998.
(With M Lundholm.)
Self-employment and wealth inequality
Review of Income and Wealth, Series 44, pp 25-42. 1998.
(With T Lindh.)
Growth and the public sector: A critical review essay
European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 13, pp 33-52. 1997.
(With J Agell and T Lindh.)
Ownership and input prices. A comparison of public and private enterprises
Economics Letters, Vol 53, pp 33-38. 1996.
Self-employment and windfall gains: Evidence from the Swedish Lottery
Economic Journal, Vol 106, pp 1515-1526. 1996.
(With T Lindh.)
reprinted in S Parker, ed, The Economics of Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. 2006.
Political cycles and cyclical policies
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 98, pp 203-218. 1996.
(With A Vredin.)
Long-run relations between private and public sector wages in Sweden
Empirical Economics, Vol 19, pp 343-360. 1994.
(With T Jacobson.)
Inventory investment in Swedish manufacturing firms
Finnish Economic Papers, Vol 6, pp 96-107. 1993.
(With C-H Gustafson.)
Lags in the effects of labour market policy - an empirical analysis of job creation measures
Applied Economics, Vol 25, pp 343-348. 1993.
Wage linkages between private and public sectors in Sweden
Labour, Vol 6, Nr 2, pp 3-17. 1992.
(With B Holmlund.)
Job creation measures as activist fiscal policy - an empirical analysis of policy reaction behavior
European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 8, pp 269-280. 1992.
Political determinants of budget deficits: Coalition effects versus minority effects
European Economic Review, Vol 35, pp 1597-1603. 1991.
(With P-A Edin.)
Cost-benefit rules in a regionalized disequilibrium model
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 89, pp 165-182. 1987.
Optimal policy rules and regime switching in disequilibrium models
Journal of Public Economics, Vol 27, pp 247-254. 1985.
(With J T Cuddington and P-O Johansson.)
Monetary policy and inflation in times of war
Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, (2), pp 65-79. 2022.
(With M Apel)
Collective wealth formation: Conflict and compromise in Sweden, 1950-2000
in P Hudson and K Tribe, eds, The contradictions of capital in the twenty-first century. The
Piketty opportunity, Agenda Publishing, Newcastle. 2016.
(With Y Hasselberg.)
Förmögenhet - mina pengar eller släktens?
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 43(2), pp 17-27. 2015.
(With O Erixson.)
Rör det sig i toppen? Platsbyten i förmögenhetsrangordningen
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 41(1), pp 16-21. 2013.
(With S Hochguertel.)
Mindre arbete, högre inkomster – arvingens lott
(Less work, higher income – the heir’s lot)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 39(4), pp 70-78. 2011.
(With M Elinder and O Erixson.)
Den första nationella konferensen i nationalekonomi i Sverige
(The first national Swedish economics conference)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 39(2), pp 67-73. 2011.
(With F Andersson, T Aronsson, R Friberg, O Johansson-Stenman, A-S Kolm, and D Waldenström.)
Tax avoidance
in Cours et travaux du Collège de France. Annuaire 109e année, Collège de France, Paris. 2010.
Long-run changes in the concentration of wealth: An overview of recent findings
in J B Davies, ed, Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective, Oxford University Press. 2008.
(With J Roine and D Waldenström.)
in Chinese in Comparative Studies, Vol 33, pp 117-138. 2007.
Krisstämpeln på det svenska avtalssystemet – en överdrift
(The crisis mark on the Swedish bargaining system – an exaggeration)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 36(5), pp 15-30. 2008.
(With P Braunerhjelm, O Djerf, and H Frisén.)
Friställd eller anställd? Strukturomvandling från individens perspektiv
(Displaced or employed? Structural change from the individual's perspective)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 34(7), pp 5-19. 2006.
(With D Storrie.)
Introduction: Self-employment and entrepreneurship
Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol 11(2), pp 3-13. 2004.
Empirical tax policy analysis and evaluation
in Banca d'Italia, Tax policy. Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2004.
(With K Hort.)
Köpkraft och konkurrenskraft – tredje avtalsrörelsen med Industriavtalet
(Purchasing power and competitiveness – the third bargaining round with the Industrial Agreement)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 31(8), pp 16-26. 2003.
(With O Djerf, H Frisén, and L Hagman.)
Fiscal policy in a currency union
in Banca d'Italia, The impact of fiscal policy. Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2003.
(With Y Lindh.)
The Swedish Industrial Agreement
in J E Dølvik and F Engelstad, eds, National regimes of collective bargaining in transformation: Nordic trends in a comparative perspective, Rapport 54, Makt- og demokratiutredningen. Unipub, Oslo, 2003.
(Report 54, The Norwegian Power and Democracy Research Project.)
Finanspolitik i en valutaunion
(Fiscal policy in a currency union)
in Stabiliseringspolitik i valutaunionen, Underlagsrapporter till Kommittén för stabiliseringspolitik för full sysselsättning vid ett svenskt medlemskap i valutaunionen. SOU 2002:16. 2002.
(Stabilization policy in the currency union, reports to the official government committee on stabilization policy if Sweden becomes a member of the currency union.)
Intergenerational transfers, taxes and the distribution of wealth. Editors' preface
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 103, p 367. 2001.
(With B Holmlund and E Steigum.)
Long term developments of Swedish public finances - Can "straight jackets" reverse the trends?
in Banca d'Italia, Fiscal sustainability. Banca d'Italia, Rome. 2000.
(With Y Lindh.)
Trends in Swedish public finances - Past and future
Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, No 4, 2000, pp 81-100. 2000.
(With Y Lindh.)
Industriavtalet - utfall och framtidsutsikter
(The Industrial Agreement - outcome and future prospects)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 28, pp 417-430. 2000.
(With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)
EMU-medlemskapets betydelse för svensk lönebildning
(The consequences of the EMU membership for Swedish wage formation)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 28, pp 133-142. 2000.
(With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)
Lönekostnadsutvecklingens effekter på sysselsättningen
(The employment effects of wage cost changes)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 26, pp 505-513. 1998.
(With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)
Comment on Hans-Werner Sinn: European integration and the future of the welfare state
Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol 5, pp 133-136. 1998.
Nya förutsättningar för lönebildningen
(New conditions for the wage formation)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 26, pp 107-115. 1998.
(With A Carling, O Djerf, and E Kazamaki Ottersten.)
Egenföretagande och manna från himlen
(Self-employment and manna from heaven)
Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi, Finansdepartementet. Ds 1997:71.
(Report to the expert group for studies in public economics, The Swedish Ministry of Finance.) 1997.
(With T Lindh.)
Reformerad beskattning av hushållstjänster
(Reformed taxation of household services.)
in Skatter, tjänster och sysselsättning, bilagor tillbetänkande av Tjänstebeskattningsutredningen. SOU 1997:17. 1997.
(Taxes, services, and employment, enclosures to the report of the official government committee on taxation of household services)
Job creation programmes as stabilization policy measures
in J Johannesson and E Wadensjö, eds, Labour market policy at the crossroads. EFA, Stockholm. 1995.
Finanspolitik, konjunkturer och ekonomisk integration
(Fiscal policy, business cycles, and economic integration)
Bilaga 9 till Långtidsutredningen 1995. Fritzes, Stockholm. 1994.
(Enclosure 9 to the Long term report of the Swedish Ministry of Finance.)
(With A Vredin.)
Tillväxt och offentlig sektor
(Growth and the public sector)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 22, pp 373-385. 1994.
(With J Agell and T Lindh.)
Sysselsättningsskapande åtgärder som stabiliseringspolitiskt medel
(Job creation programs as stabilization policy measure)
in Politik mot arbetslöshet, betänkande av expertgruppen för arbetsmarknadspolitiska utvärderingsstudier. SOU 1993:43. 1993.
(Policy against unemployment, official government report.)
Systematik och autonomi i finanspolitiken
(Systematics and autonomy in the fiscal policy)
in K-G Löfgren and L-E Öller, eds, Konjunkturprognoser & konjunkturpolitik - Ekonomiska Rådets Årsbok 1992. 1993.
(Business cycle forecasts & business cycle policy.)
(With N Frank and A Vredin.)
Svensk finanspolitik 1970-1990: Instrument, institutioner och indikatorer
(Swedish fiscal policy 1970-1990: Instruments, institutions, and indicators)
in Konjunkturläget, Maj 1992. Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm. 1992.
(The economic activity level May 1992.)
(With A Vredin.)
Book review. Heinz König, ed, 1990, Economics of wage determination, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 7, pp 423-424. 1991.
Varför har vi inga miljöavgifter?
(Why don't we have environmental charges?)
in B Gustafsson, ed, Människa, miljö och samhälle. Uppsala. 1991.
(Man, environment, and society.)
Har den svenska budgetpolitiken varit kontracyklisk?
Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, Vol 44, pp 165-176. 1991.
Malmfälten i brytningstid
(The mining district in transition)
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 14, pp 472-480. 1986.
(With L Engström.)